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  • w1460893361564 | 怀孕二宝 (40周)
    听我的,建议你也下载一个试管婴儿APP,以前很多试管问题我也不懂。在这里有很多有经验的姐妹和医生帮助,一搜索基本什么问题都可以解决。赶快 安装【试管婴儿APP】试试吧!
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  • 天天洗澡,不洗难受
  • 不洗人痒
  • 有的洗了也成了,有的没洗也没成,每个人情况不一样,建议还是低水温洗吧
  • 小晴天☆〜 | 怀孕 (40周)
  • Avoid vigorous activities such as heavy lifting, bending or exercise. Why? You want embryos to remain in the uterine cavity and not get pushed into a Fallopian tube, which would result in an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Common sense goes a long way. You can go to the bathroom as needed, and you can use stairs but don't run up and down them. If you feel you don't have to do something, then don't do it. Avoid excessive heat. No hot baths or hot tubs, and no whirlpools. Showers are OK because they will not elevate your body temperature. We don't want you running around or doing vigorous exercise because it may elevate your body temperature. Embryos do not like heat. Try to relax and stay positive during the "two-week wait," the 10 to 12 days waiting for the pregnancy test.You don't want to second-guess yourself regarding doing certain activities. It's not your fault if an embryo does not implant, but you don't want to give yourself any possible reasons for feeling guilty or second-guessing your activity level if the IVF procedure does not work this time. 摘自一篇英文文献,这种文章Google一搜一大把,是常识,既然楼主号称是在国外做的,应该不会不熟悉吧。
  • Avoid vigorous activities such as heavy lifting, bending or exercise. Why? You want embryos to remain in the uterine cavity and not get pushed into a Fallopian tube, which would result in an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Common sense goes a long way. You can go to the bathroom as needed, and you can use stairs but don't run up and down them. If you feel you don't have to do something, then don't do it. Avoid excessive heat. No hot baths or hot tubs, and no whirlpools. Showers are OK because they will not elevate your body temperature. We don't want you running around or doing vigorous exercise because it may elevate your body temperature. Embryos do not like heat. Try to relax and stay positive during the "two-week wait," the 10 to 12 days waiting for the pregnancy test.You don't want to second-guess yourself regarding doing certain activities. It's not your fault if an embryo does not implant, but you don't want to give yourself any possible reasons for feeling guilty or second-guessing your activity level if the IVF procedure does not work this time. 摘自一篇英文文献,这种文章Google一搜一大把,是常识,既然楼主号称是在国外做的,应该不会不熟悉吧呵呵
  • 加油七七 | 怀孕 (40周)
  • w1460893361564 | 怀孕二宝 (40周)
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  • w1448353070140 | 怀孕 (40周)
  • 太太曾太太 | 备孕二宝中
  • 怎么舒服怎么做,
  • s2853765211 | 怀孕七宝 (40周)
    洗澡没事的 只要不要用太热的水冲肚子就行 移植回来当天就洗澡了
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  • 医生都说正常生活,没说不准洗澡不准洗头不准活动,如果你担心不洗就可以了,不要到洗了又开始忧心忡忡
  • 太太曾太太 | 备孕二宝中
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  • 英文的意思人为不要引起体温过热


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