我从3100+到8600+花了6天的时间,如果按照歪果仁的说法,完全是合理且健康的,并不能说明胚胎有问题。 下文英文部分自网上摘录,中文是我自己翻译: When hCG levels in early pregnancy measures less than 1,200 mIU/ml, the hCG usually doubles every 2-3 days. 早孕期间HCG低于1,200 mIU/ml的,通常需要2-3天翻倍。 There is normally an increase by at least 60% in the level of hCG every two days. 这时HCG普遍隔天就会增长至少60%。(也就是说,就算不能隔天翻倍也很正常) When the hCG measures between 1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml in early pregnancy, the hCG usually takes 3-4 days to double. 当早孕期间HCG介乎于1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml时,通常需要3-4天翻倍。 When the hCG measures more than 6,000 mIU/ml, the hCG frequently takes more than four or even more days to double. 当HCG大于6,000 mIU/ml时,通常需要四天或更长时间来达到翻倍。 After 9-10 weeks of the pregnancy hCG levels normally decrease. This is why there can be a general improvement in a mother's sense of well being by this stage of her pregnancy. 怀孕9-10周之后,HCG水平通常会下降。孕妇的早孕反应减轻,身体感觉变好。 It makes little sense to follow the hCG level in early pregnancy above 6,000 mIU/ml, as at this point the increase is normally slower and not related to how well the pregnancy is doing. 在HCG达到6,000 mIU/ml以上时,再追踪HCG水平意义不大,因为这时候增长速度通常会下降并且和怀孕(胚胎发育)情况并无关联。(为什么我们这里的医生却不是这么认为呢?揪着翻倍不好翻倍不好,数值低数值低,就说你胚胎不好啊,可能要流产啊。怪不得国外没那么多保胎的,原来我们这里都把正常当奇葩了。) Some normal pregnancies will have quite low levels of hCG -- and deliver perfect babies. 有些正常怀孕的HCG水平低,但生出的BB非常健康。 After 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, sonogram findings are much more predictive of pregnancy outcome than are HCG levels. Once the fetal heart rate is seen, most doctors will monitor the fetal heart rate rather than drawing hCG. 怀孕5-6周后,超声结果比HCG水平更能反映怀孕的情况。当发现胎心之后,多数医生更倾向于监控胎心而不是HCG。 http://hubpages.com/health/nondoublinghcg 英文可以的朋友可以看看这个网页,总之就是说,不要太关注你的HCG翻倍情况!HCG低,不翻倍,也不意味着胚胎是不好的。 |
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