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  • 今天得到医院的检查结果,说我促甲状腺激素(TSH)高于正常值,查了一下是亚临床性加减(低)。有类似情况的姐妹,大家一起鼓励,一起加油,等待好孕降临. 有类似情况好孕的姐妹,诚恳邀您进来跟大家分享治疗经验和怀孕心得。














    1. 在亚临床甲状腺疾病中血清TSH的变化不能完全代偿甲状腺功能,在个别病人中,








    1. 相当大的比例的患者虽经治疗但并没感到健康状况比以前更好。

    2. 治疗通常将涉及终身服药(亚临床甲减)。

    3. 治疗可以引起明显的副作用(亚临床甲亢)。

    4. 亚临床甲状腺疾病的长期危险可能取决于其它危险因素,在一些亚型患者中其危险


    5. 需要大量的研究来明确这种疾病的重要性及相关的危险性以及长期治疗的益处。

    6. 亚临床甲状腺疾病非常普遍,对如此普遍的功能紊乱,在治疗合法化之前应由充分


    亚临床甲减是指血清TSH浓度增高而血清FT3及FT4水平正常大多数病人无临床症状。亚临床甲减一般不需治疗, 这种病并不是真正的甲减,所以等指标恢复正常,停药三个月后看情况可以考虑怀孕。


  • 嘿嘿,国内的JMs 睡觉去了,轮到我们几个在这里热闹。有点“日不落”帖子的意思啊。[em09][em07]

  • 阳光小溪66,呵呵,我的电脑有时候也是忽然中文输入出问题,英语没问题的。



    “Your TSH 6.15 is not that bad, it should go back to normal after 1-2 months if you continue on meds.

    I have a good friend she is in Germany too and she just got pregnant at the age of 37. She'd been tried some Chinese meds after being TTC for almost 2 years and then she got the good news. It seems that Chinese meds have some magic things on infertility.”



  • 以下是引用lovedoudou在2007-08-08 00:55:39的发言:

    In US, some medical insurance plans require a family doctor, whichmeans everything has to go through from the family doctor.For example,if you have stomach problem, you need to see the family doctor first,then she/he will refer you to the specialist, you can't just pick upthe phone to book the appointment yourself. That's might be the reasonLovedoudou has to wait for her OB's referral.

    Hi, 阳光小溪66, my insurance is PPO, I can make an appointment with anydoctor directly. The reason I am waiting for their call is I think myOB will refer me to a good doctor, Cause I have no idea which doctor isgood or not.


    Sorry , I was wrong.

    Yes, it's a problem to find out which doctor is good in US. Do not always trust the doctors' referral coz sometimes they do business to each other.

  • 以下是引用Angelou在2007-08-08 02:37:56的发言:




    “Your TSH 6.15 is not that bad, it should go back to normal after 1-2 months if you continue on meds.

    I have a good friend she is in Germany too and she just got pregnant at the age of 37. She'd been tried some Chinese meds after being TTC for almost 2 years and then she got the good news. It seems that Chinese meds have some magic things on infertility.”



    Thank you Angelou!

    My laptop could not load the local profile after I entered my ID and Pwd, it only allowed me to log on a temperary account on which some of the softwares I installed including the Chinese input one were no longer able to be used. This morning I tried to install the Chinese input software in my working computer but failed, the Anti-virus system always gave a Warning, I had to give up.

    My friend lives in the suburb of Frankfurt, we may talk about the different person. She told me that she didn't see many Chinese in the area she lives, let alone the Chinese doctors. She went to see the Chinese doctor in Toronto, Canada when she was visiting her family there early this year.

  • 呵呵,那就是有两个37岁的JM都好孕了,更加有信心啦!加油!


  • 以下是引用阳光小溪66在2007-08-08 02:47:09的发言:

    以下是引用lovedoudou在2007-08-08 00:55:39的发言:

    In US, some medical insurance plans require a family doctor, whichmeans everything has to go through from the family doctor.For example,if you have stomach problem, you need to see the family doctor first,then she/he will refer you to the specialist, you can't just pick upthe phone to book the appointment yourself. That's might be the reasonLovedoudou has to wait for her OB's referral.

    Hi, 阳光小溪66, my insurance is PPO, I can make an appointment with anydoctor directly. The reason I am waiting for their call is I think myOB will refer me to a good doctor, Cause I have no idea which doctor isgood or not.


    Sorry , I was wrong.

    Yes, it's a problem to find out which doctor is good in US. Do not always trust the doctors' referral coz sometimes they do business to each other.

    Thanks for your care, don't feel sorry for this, hehe

    I think you are right. I will make a new appointment with another doctor by myself after August 15, cause I changed my insurance plan which is better than the current one.

  • 以下是引用阳光小溪66在2007-08-08 03:15:44的发言:

    Thank you Angelou!

    My laptop could not load the local profile after I entered my ID and Pwd, it only allowed me to log on a temperary account on which some of the softwares I installed including the Chinese input one were no longer able to be used. This morning I tried to install the Chinese input software in my working computer but failed, the Anti-virus system always gave a Warning, I had to give up.

    My friend lives in the suburb of Frankfurt, we may talk about the different person. She told me that she didn't see many Chinese in the area she lives, let alone the Chinese doctors. She went to see the Chinese doctor in Toronto, Canada when she was visiting her family there early this year

    Hi, 阳光小溪, you can directly input Chinese on some websites, such as www.inputking.com or go to www.dict.cn and then click 拼音输入法, either way you can write as long as you want, and then copy and paste to wherever you want.

  • 以下是引用Angelou在2007-08-08 16:23:03的发言:



    I also have a 36 years old friend who is in US got her second pregnant and will have her baby boy in september

  • 以下是引用Angelou在2007-08-08 02:09:20的发言:









  • 以下是引用lovedoudou在2007-08-09 00:31:59的发言:

    以下是引用阳光小溪66在2007-08-08 03:15:44的发言:

    Thank you Angelou!

    My laptop could not load the local profile after I entered my ID and Pwd, it only allowed me to log on a temperary account on which some of the softwares I installed including the Chinese input one were no longer able to be used. This morning I tried to install the Chinese input software in my working computer but failed, the Anti-virus system always gave a Warning, I had to give up.

    My friend lives in the suburb of Frankfurt, we may talk about the different person. She told me that she didn't see many Chinese in the area she lives, let alone the Chinese doctors. She went to see the Chinese doctor in Toronto, Canada when she was visiting her family there early this year

    Hi, 阳光小溪, you can directly input Chinese on some websites, such as www.inputking.com or go to www.dict.cn and then click 拼音输入法, either way you can write as long as you want, and then copy and paste to wherever you want.


    非常感谢你告诉我这样一个有用的网站,这样我在上班时也可以回中文了。我今天上班时才看到你的留言, 我已经给你回了, 请查收。



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