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  • 宝宝已经11个月多了,晚上睡觉总要哼哼好几次,偶尔半夜会醒来闹上2个多小时才接着睡。每晚半夜起来好痛苦,宝宝何时才能睡整觉呀?

  • My baby started to sleep all the night since born, though I need to feed him twice and change the diaper once during his sleeping period.

    The way to training a baby to sleep all the night is to feed him or her regularly, and give him or her some indicts of the difference of the day and the night. For example, I feed my baby every 3 hours. If he is sleeping when he needs to eat, I will feed him anyway. For the indicts of the difference of the day and the night, I have him bathed in the water before he goes to bed, and I have him bathes in the sunshine after he gets up. And I never wake him up or turned the light on when I feed him and change him during the night.

    Good luck!

  • 偶们也五个多月,快六个月了,最近老是三四点醒来咿咿呀呀玩一个小时再睡,还要拉一堆臭屎,也不知道为什么.今天给她添奶粉吃了.[em03]


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