最近考虑进几盆植物来精华家中空气。 孕期看国内某搜索的看似专业的某百科,打消了购买绿色植物精华空气的想法。 可是我身在海外,偶尔看这边帖子,发现原来不是那么回事,后悔怀孕时没有买些植物摆在家里。 据百科说,“9、 植物吸收甲醛 植物能够通过光合作用吸入部分有害物质,但这类方法的作用极为有限。原因如下: 一、植物进行的是光合作用,一般在白天吸入部分有害物质,而在夜晚不具备这个功能。人的生活规律一般都是白天室外,夜晚在室内,在人最需要空气净化时,植物没有办法起到相应的作用。 二、植物吸收的有害物质极为有限。国家标准对甲醛的释放值要求低于0.08毫克/立方米,绝大部分刚装修完的房子,甲醛不低于0.2毫克/立方米,而吸收甲醛效率较高的绿萝,每小时吸收的甲醛仅为20微克。以一个100平米,房高3米,甲醛值为0.2毫克/立方米的房间来讲,同时需要1800盆绿萝,几乎要把整个房子空间添满,才能将甲醛降为0.08毫克,这还是在白天光线充足的情况下进行的、并且要保证在进行吸收的过程中不再有甲醛的释放。而事实上装修后的家具中甲醛还在一直不断释放。因此,植物仅能对甲醛、苯等有害物质起到辅助的治理作用。” 我不是什么科学家,可我看到了美国NASA的研究报告 “NASA research It wasn’t until 1984 that a NASA research scientist, Dr Bill Wolverton was able to show that plants don’t just remove carbon dioxide from our air and replace it with oxygen – they actually filter toxic chemicals or VOCs from our air. These days, the levels of indoor air pollution due to moulds, dust and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds or chemicals which become gases easily) can be up to 10 times greater than outside pollution. VOCs such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene are found in paints, carpets, computers, cookware, plastics, furnishings, fabrics, cleaning products, air fresheners and personal care products – virtually everything we look at, touch and apply on a daily basis. Dr Wolverton found that some indoor plants were particularly effective at removing certain VOCs and that these plants were able to convert the pollutants into food for themselves with the help of root microbes. The purpose of Dr Wolverton’s study was to find out which plants could best maintain clean air in potential lunar bases. The tests were performed in sealed chambers and only plants known to grow well indoors were included. He found that philodendrons and golden pothos (Devil’s Ivy) were best for controlling formaldehyde, gerbera daisy and chrysanthemums ate up the benzene and peace lilies soaked up the TCE (trichlorethylene). A follow-up study by NASA in 1989 found that the houseplants they tested actually removed up to 87% of toxic air in 24 hours. 就是说,白天晚上都可以净化空气!A German study done 5 years later concluded that spider plants were most efficient at reducing formaldehyde levels, English ivy was ideal for cigarette smoke and snake plants (mother-in-laws tongue) dealt well with household cleaning fumes. Other plants that have been found to readily convert toxic indoor pollutants into food for themselves include: Areca Palm, Rubber Plant, Umbrella Tree, Bamboo Palm, Weeping Fig, Dwarf Date Palm, Australian Sword Fern, Peace Lilly and Dracaena” “How many plants do I need? It is suggested that one plant should be allowed for approximately 10 square meters of floor space, assuming average ceiling heights of 2.4m. This means that you need two or three (十平米的房间,高度2.4米,两三盆足矣!)plants to contribute to good air quality in the average domestic living room of about 25 square metres” 而且我还看了这边UTS大学的真刀真枪的实验报告,也支持了NASA的理论! 可为啥某百科要这么糊弄国内的民众呢,仔细有看了一遍,人家有广告呀!具体怎么回事,大家搜索 “甲醛” 就行啦! 最后在说一下,我不懂科学,但我懂光合作用,植物在白天吸收二氧化碳,然后产生氧气和水,而和甲醛以及苯等有害有机物没有毛关系。所以说特定植物24小时都可以净化空气,我是相信的。 姐妹们,我们都是学过生物的,不要被忽悠! |