Hi, this is from a British medical site. I've posted it several times before, because it was useful to me when I had a miscarriage. "Despite their prevalence, it is always devastating when a woman experiences a miscarriage. A large portion of women will experience at least one miscarriage during their reproductive years. If you have had a miscarriage, take the time to understand better why these occur and why it is not your fault. 纵然流产真的非常普遍,经历过的妇女一定依然会觉得十分的绝望。大多数的育龄妇女都曾经经历过至少一次的流产。如果你也经历了这些,不妨花一点时间来看看,为什么这件事情会发生,为什么这并不是你的错误。 "When you conceive and a baby is created, it takes half its genes from the sperm and half from the egg that ovulated that month. At the exact time of conception, the cross-over of these genes takes place. Sometimes, for no reason other than bad luck, some information is lost and the pregnancy is destined from that point not to be. 当受精卵形成的时候,它获得了一半来自精子的基因,一半来自卵子的基因,在受精这个特定的时刻,基因组合就发生了,有时候,没有任何原因,仅仅是因为你运气不好,有一些遗传信息在这个时候丢失了。其实这个时候,胚胎的命运已经决定了。 "It might be that this lost information is not needed for many weeks, and the pregnancy will continue as normal until that time. When the needed information is not there, it is then that the baby dies and you begin to miscarry. Another cause might be that the baby did not implant, or bury itself, into the womb lining properly - once again, just due to bad luck. 有可能是这样的,这个丢失的遗传信息在最早的几周里面并不被需要,那么在这几周里面,你将顺利的继续妊娠,没有任何异常。直到有一天,这个遗传信息被需要了,那么在这个时候,你的胎儿就会停止生长,死亡。还有一种可能,就是一开始,这个受精卵就没能很好着床。总而言之,这都是源于运气不好。 "These are the most common reasons that women miscarry. Not because of something you did or didn't do, but just because of chance. Not because you drank alcohol, ate some unpasteurised cheese, or didn't take folic acid. Certainly not because you had sex or didn't rest enough. 这些是流产的最主要,最普遍的原因。不是因为你做了什么或者没有做什么,仅仅因为概率。它不是因为你喝了酒,吃了不干净的奶酪,或者喝了叶酸,当然更不会因为你有了性生活或者没有休息好。都不是,和这些没有关系。 "Whether you lay in bed from the day of your positive pregnancy test or went hang-gliding every day wouldn't have changed things. Its nature's way of making sure that when you do have a baby, it has the best chance for all of its life. Miscarriage does not mean that you won't be able to get pregnant again. 无论你自从怀孕之后天天躺在床上保胎,或者怀孕之后天天出去玩耍,这都不会改变任何事情,胚胎的命运从结合的那一刻就决定了。流产并不意味这你以后就不能怀孕了。 "A D&C (dilatation and curettage) or evacuation may be carried out to reduce the chance of infection and ensure that you don't continue bleeding over the following weeks. Very rarely, it can cause infection of the uterine lining. It is believed that the chance of this is less likely than had you not undergone a D&C. If this happens it usually responds well to a short course of antibiotics. The D&C doesn't weaken your cervix or make you more likely to miscarry in subsequent pregnancies. D&C(是美国对于清宫的简称)可以很好的减少你感染的概率,减少你的出血,D&C的危险性低之又低,他完全不会对你身体有任何伤害,不会伤害你的子宫,更不会对你将来怀孕有任何影响-。 (这段意主要就在说美国流产技术先进安全无害) "The risk of miscarriage decreases as pregnancy progresses. It is possible that as many as 50% of pregnancies miscarry before implantation in the womb occurs. Early after implantation, pregnancy loss rate is about 30% (i.e.; still before a pregnancy is clinically recognised). After a pregnancy may be clinically recognised (between days 35-50), about 25% will end in miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage decreases dramatically after the 8th week as the weeks go by. 随着你怀孕进程增加,流产的概率越来越低。50%的流产都发生在受精卵着床时,着床之后医院检查出来之前有30%的流产概率。医院证实你怀孕后在你怀孕30天到50天的时候,有25%的概率会发生流产。当你过了第八周,那么你流产或者胎停的概率就会急速下降。 "Many women miscarry more than once in their life. Considering the frequency of miscarriage, about 1 in 36 women will have 2 miscarriages due to nothing more than chance. Any miscarriages after that might prompt your doctors to suggest some tests to ensure that it isn't happening for some other reason." 很多人一生都会有过不止一次的流产。至于这个流产的频率,每36个女人中就有1个将会有2次流产仅仅因为运气不好。超过两次的流产一生就将会给你做出详细的检查来寻找原因。 Hope this helps. 希望对你有帮助。 这是我第一次尝试翻译,实在觉得这篇文章太好了,想分享给很多很多和我一样绝望痛苦过的姐妹。希望能给你们一些安慰。 我本人在美国,美国女人一生会生很多次孩子,所以这种事情比中国人经历的多很多,正如文章中说的,她们绝大多数的人都经历过胎停或者流产。在中国因为是计划生育,反而很多只要第一胎正常的女人,都不会有机会再去经历这些事情。但其实如果她们生二胎,三胎,将会很有可能面对这些。 不要总觉得是自己的错误。希望你们能感觉好一点。 |
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